Dahlia, Sunflower And Marigold Flower Border
Freeform Ornamental Folk Star

in Northeast Texas

Charlotte Mason

Dahlia, Sunflower And Marigold Flower Border
Rounded Folksy Christmas Robin Flying
Rounded Folksy Christmas Robin Flying

Spirit to Spirit

Charlotte Mason


September 14, 2024

Greenville, Texas

“...we do not realize ourselves as spiritual beings invested with bodies, living, emotional, a snare to us and a joy to us, but which are, after all, the mere organs and interpreters of our spiritual intention. Once we see that we are dealing spirit with spirit with the friend at whose side we are sitting, with the people who attend to our needs, we shall be able to realise how incessant is the commerce between the divine Spirit and our human spirit.”

Volume 2, chapter XXV, page 276

Join us for a day of exploring the Charlotte Mason method. We will be offering a variety of sessions to enrich your understanding of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy and how to implement it into your homeschool.

Schedule of Events

8:30 AM

9:00 - 9:30

9:45 - 10:30

10:45 - 11:30

12:00 - 1:00

1:15 - 2:00


Doors open


Session 1

Session 2


Session 3

Guest Speaker Brandy Vencel

Rounded Folksy Christmas Cyclamen Flowers

Brandy Vencel is our special guest this year. She hosts the popular Scholé Sisters podcast and serves on two boards: the Auxiliary Board of AmblesideOnline, a free 12-year Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum, and the Board of Directors for Providence Classical School in Bakersfield, California. She will be teaching a couple of classes and giving our keynote presentation in the afternoon.

Rounded Folksy Christmas Orange Amaryllis Flower

Whether you are new to Charlotte or long time friends with her philosophy, you will enjoy a day of atmosphere, discipline, and life!

There will be classes covering a variety of topics taught by mothers with years of Charlotte Mason experience both at home and in a classroom settings.

Charlotte Mason Co-ops

  • How to start a co-op
  • How to teach classes at co-op
  • Plutarch & Shakespeare


  • Writing and Narration
  • How to use AO at home
  • How to use the AO website and forum

Nuts and Bolts

  • Small Family dynamics
  • Habits and Routines with ADHD
  • Homeschooling while working


  • You CAN teach your children
  • Homeschooling through crisis
  • From homeschooled to homeschooling, a journey with Charlotte Mason
Rounded Folksy Christmas Kalanchoe Flowers with Mistletoes




Clay sculpting

Rounded Folksy Christmas Kalanchoe Flowers with Mistletoes

9:45 - 10:30 AM Class 1 options:

  • How to start a CM co-op - Sarah Clements
  • Homeschooling while working- Janna Graham
  • You CAN teach your children- Heather McAdow
  • Watercolor - Amelia Audish
  • Writing and Narration - Kathy Livingston

10:45-11:30 AM Class 2 options:

  • How to teach CM co-op classes - Brandy Vencel
  • Habits and Routines with ADHD- Amy Bearer
  • How to use Ambleside Online website - Janna ​Graham
  • Homeschooling through crisis-- Alisha Netz
  • Crochet- Kathy Livingstone
  • Plutarch and Shakespeare at Co-op - Sarah ​Clements

12-1:00 PM - Lunch

1:15 -2:00 PM Class 3 Options:

  • Clay sculpting - Amelia Audish
  • Forming CM community - Kathy Livingston
  • Small Family dynamics - Brandi Miller
  • From homeschooled to homeschooling, a ​journey with Charlotte Mason- Heather ​McAdow

2:15-3 PM - Keynote Speaker - Brandy Vencel

Registration Instructions:

Please read all instructions before beginning registration.

Our local homeschool support group, CHEFS & Encouragement, is hosting this event. You will be directed to their website to register. You do **not** have to become a member to attend the workshop.

1. Cost

  • $45 before August 1st
  • Late registration $55 After August 1st

2. Registration and Payment:

  • Follow the registration process and complete payment when you sign-up.
  • You will not be able to return later to pay.
  • Be careful not to press the pay button twice.
  • A technology fee of 3% will be added to your total, as CHEFS is a non-profit organization and passes this cost on.

3. Cancellation Policy:

  • Cancellations are allowed with a refund until August 1st.
  • No refunds will be given after August 1st.

4. Lunch Options:

Here are your options:

  • You can leave and eat locally. Greenville has several options, but please note it ​is not a large city. One hour is allotted for lunch.

  • You may also bring your own lunch!

  • We will have water and tea available at lunch. Coffee and tea all day!

Registration is full.

We had an overwhelming ​response and had to close ​registration.

Dahlia, Sunflower And Marigold Flower Border
Freeform Ornamental Folk Star

in Northeast Texas

Charlotte Mason

Dahlia, Sunflower And Marigold Flower Border